

Fire Risk Assessment Companies Somerset

Delivering Benefits and Avoiding Risk.

Established in 2003, Three Ways Fire Prevention has been a leader amongst fire risk assessment companies in Somerset for the last eleven years. We provide assessments to a wide spectrum of clients and have the experience to handle properties of any size, such as a warehouse, small business office or even residential family homes. Our primary goal is quality customer service and ensuring a safe business and home environment.

Our assessments help businesses comply with government requirements and regulations, and our process meets the highest standards. We purposely structure our reports in a manner that makes them very easy for our clients to understand and utilise.

We offer flexible services, which allow us to advise you on how to best maintain your current assessment or we can perform a full service assessment, which will give you a complete report of everything needed to ensure your property is in compliance and implements adequate safety measures.

Government mandates are very specific and if these requirements are not fully satisfied, a business runs the risk of being temporarily shut down or penalised. Obviously, if a business is not operational then it not only loses revenue but also risks losing its customer base. In addition, there is potential for heavy fines or in some cases even criminal charges. We have been in this business long enough to have established good working relationships with many of the authorities and can help you navigate through the process.

If you need help from a leading company, please contact Three Ways Fire Prevention Services today so we can discuss your needs.

June 23rd, 2016|

Fire Extinguisher Servicing Somerset

Three Ways Fire Prevention is a leader in the fire prevention and fire extinguisher servicing industry since it opened its doors in 2003. Both large and small companies are required to make sure that their business meets fire extinguisher servicing standards and all fire extinguishers are working properly. All of our staff members have completed the required training course curriculum and complete the certification process.

We provide dependable and complete fire extinguisher servicing in Somerset by offering our standard annual service. We believe in building relationships and trust with our customers which is why our standard annual service includes everything in one, upfront price.

Potential clients often tell us their current service provider consistently bills them for all types of unexpected add on charges. Our one price, flat fee annual service gives clients peace of mind knowing exactly what they will be paying for – our quality service with no hidden charges.

We will provide your business with a completed certificate of works and a report that lists the condition of all fire extinguisher units, as well as detail on units that will require servicing or testing. Our service also includes a five year warranty and twelve month warranty option, which will immediately replace faulty units at no additional charge.

If you would like a free consultation and quote for your fire extinguisher servicing needs, please contact us for immediate assistance.

June 23rd, 2016|

Fire Marshal Training

Due to regulatory reforms in 2005, many companies are now required to train employees in fire prevention methods and proper procedures in the event of a fire. Additionally, a business must have a designated staff member trained as a Fire Marshal responsible for overseeing and maintaining fire safety protocol.

We offer full service fire training and fire marshal training that is cost effective and will keep your business compliant with government mandates. Our flexible options include continued support, offsite training and onsite training options.

Our onsite program allows us to customise the training to your specific facility and work force. This is a significant advantage for staff to have a member that is designated to attend the fire marshal training. Allowing the staff members to train in their own work environment helps them become more familiar with the exact procedures and equipment, and reduces response time should there be a fire.

Our fire training program provides a comprehensive overview of proper prevention methods, response procedures and an overview of how fires spread and behave. This comprehensive approach prepares employees for unexpected events and improves efficiency.

At the end of the staff training and designated fire marshal training course, all attendees must complete an assessment that certifies they understand the information in the course and are prepared to carry out their duties. If they are unable to pass the exam on their first attempt, we will take the time to discuss and review the information until they become proficient.

June 23rd, 2016|

Fire Safety Awareness Training Somerset

We offer a flexible selection of fire safety safety training courses including fire safety awareness training in Somerset which provides comprehensive information and hands on experience. Since 2005, it has been required that most businesses provide fire safety awareness training to their staff and meet a long list of compliance requirements.

Three Ways Fire Prevention will train your staff on what to do in case of an emergency to save lives and limit damage to property. Not all fires are the same. Different fires require different response procedures and it is important for your staff to know exactly how to respond in at any given time. After all, they will be the ones most likely to know what caused the fire and will be the first on the scene. Proper training can mean the difference in preventing a small accident from turning into a catastrophic event.

We will first outline and talk your staff through what to do if they discover a fire. We offer training that will help your staff respond to a variety of fire emergencies. This includes extinguishing small fires using proper methods and out of control fires that require evacuation, as well as additional safety measures. Our fire safety awareness training courses even offer a smoke drill which is excellent for practising response procedures.

June 23rd, 2016|

Fire Extinguisher Training Course in Somerset

It is not uncommon for people to be unaware of the different types of fire extinguishers for different types of fires. One type of extinguisher that may work to put out a fire if the curtains are burning, may not be effective at all if used on an oil fire. Our comprehensive fire extinguisher training course in Somerset can train your staff in both the proper technique and knowledge to make sure they know which extinguisher to use, and just as importantly, how to use it.

We have been in business for over 10 years and our training staff are certified in fire prevention as well as how to properly respond to fire emergencies. Our primary focus is to prepare employees and individuals to prevent the chance of a fire, respond to different kinds of fire emergencies and general fire safety awareness.

The fire extinguisher training course includes instructional videos on what to do in the event of a fire, a comprehensive overview of complete fire safety and prevention, as well as a question and answer session. If staff members do not understand a particular portion of the course, we are always happy to take the time to review and ensure they are prepared.

At the conclusion of the course, we provide an exam to make sure all attendees are proficient in the information that was covered in the training. If your business needs help with compliance and needs some assistance with preparing employees to maintain a safe work environment, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.

June 23rd, 2016|

Fire Risk Assessments Somerset

Established in 2003, Three Ways Fire Prevention has been a leader in fire risk assessing across the Somerset and the South West for the last eleven years. We provide assessments to a wide spectrum of clients and have the experience to handle properties of any size such as a warehouse, small business offices or even residential family homes. Our primary goal is quality customer service and ensuring a safe business and home environment.

Our assessments help businesses comply with government requirements and regulations and our process meets the highest standards among fire risk assessment companies. We purposely structure our reports in a manner that makes them very easy for our clients to understand and utilise.

We offer flexible services which allow us to advise you on how to best maintain your current assessment, or we can perform a full service assessment which will give you a complete report of everything needed to ensure your property is in compliance and implements adequate safety measures.

Government mandates are very specific and if these requirements are not fully satisfied, a business runs the risk of being temporarily shut down or penalised. Obviously, if a business is not operational then it not only loses revenue but also risks losing its customer base. In addition, there is potential for heavy fines or in some cases even criminal charges. We have been in business long enough to have established good working relationships with many of the authorities and can help you navigate through the process.

If you need help from a leader among fire risk assessments in Somerset, South West, please contact Three Ways Fire Prevention today so we can discuss your needs.

November 12th, 2014|